March 28, 2013
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1. Have you seen him who denies the Din (Religion)?
2. So he is the one who pushes away the orphan (i.e., rejects the needs of the orphans and deprives them of their right),
3. And does not promote the cause of feeding the poor (i.e., does not strive to end the economic exploitation of the poor and the needy).
4. So woe to those worshippers,
5. Who are unaware of (the spirit of) their Prayers (i.e., they are mindful only of the rights of Allah, but are heedless of the rights of fellow human beings),
6. Who show off (their worship, for they only render a formal service to the Creator and are inconsiderate to the oppressed humanity),
7. And who refuse to lend a worthless small object of use even on demand!